Is the saying “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” true?
In today’s video, Drs. Les and Leslie tackle the accuracy of the saying, “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” They provide hurting spouses with potential ways to protect themselves as they attempt to salvage their marriages, and to discern whether the offending spouse is sincere in his or her efforts to change past behaviors and build a healthier relationship.
If your spouse had an affair in the past, was your relationship successfully reconciled? What boundaries did you set, and how did your spouse hold himself or herself accountable for past actions? Have you found “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” to be true? Share your comments below.
I am a Christian and I had an affair. It was horrible. I felt hopeless in my marriage. It’s has been 7years since the affair and we are still feeling the effects of it. We have come a long way only because of Jesus. I am so close to the Lord and He truly has changed me. When Times got tough, he would threat divorce at it would devestate me. Our intimacy was lacking. And he would always complain that we werent having enough sex. After 5 years after the affair my husband revealed to me that he cheated on me on our first year of marriage because we were not having enough sex. He didn’t sleep with this women though. The problem is I know Jesus died for my sin and forgives me but I feel my husband is still wanting me to pay. It is miserable and I feel trapped in this situation, I truly want to be with him and reconcile. He says he is a Christian but i don’t feel forgiven by him. I would never do this again not only did I hurt him, but my children and myself. I truly have repented and have been to counseling and we have sat with our pastor. Counseling made him angry and made matters worse and we have not been in a long time. Right now I rely on prayer and the Lord to help us reconcile. I try to do what the Lord would want me to do in every situation. What am I to do? We will be married 20 years this July. We have two beautiful boys 10 and 14 years. In Him, Heidi