
Self Reflection

My Spouse Is Afraid To Get Counseling. What Now?

By Marriage, Self Reflection One Comment

If your spouse won’t go to counseling with you, what can you do? Let’s say you and your spouse have been going through a difficult time. Maybe you’re dealing with some differences or problems that have been hard to overcome. You think that seeing a licensed counselor would benefit both of you (and your marriage), but your spouse is either afraid to go, or refuses altogether. First, remember that you can’t make your spouse seek help. You can encourage it, but ultimately, going to see a therapist or counselor is their choice. Even if you wholeheartedly believe that a counselor…

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Why Your Marriage Needs a Year in Review

Reflecting Together: Why Your Marriage Needs a “Year in Review”

By Marriage, Self Reflection 2 Comments

With the New Year approaching, it’s common to look ahead to the future. But having a “year in review” with your spouse is also important. Have you ever looked back at the past year together? Looking backward can give you both a sense of perspective. What things went well this year? What didn’t work out for you? What were you hoping the past year would bring? Did those things come to pass, or did life take a turn in its own direction? However the year went for you, it can be helpful to take some time to reflect together. Ultimately,…

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My Husband Says I'm Too Sensitive.

My Husband Says I’m Too Sensitive. How Do I Change It?

By Marriage, Self Reflection 3 Comments

“You’re just being sensitive.” Does that phrase ring a bell? Many women, whether married or not, have been told they’re too sensitive at some time or other. The reasons and scenarios vary. Maybe you’re feeling upset about a disagreement or an unmet expectation. Your spouse might have criticized you. Or, you might feel that your efforts for them have fallen short. Can you relate? Regardless of the reason, hearing someone say that you’re too sensitive hurts. After all, your feelings are very real. You deserve to be heard, right? Whatever the situation, it hurts when someone doesn’t relate to what…

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How to develop a positive attitude toward marriage

How to Develop a Positive Attitude Toward Marriage

By Marriage, Self Reflection 2 Comments

Do you feel skeptical, cynical, or negative toward marriage? Do you think happily ever after isn’t an option? Whether you’re single or already married, it’s possible that you hold a negative attitude toward marriage. Maybe you grew up in a family where divorce was common, or you weren’t exposed to what a healthy marriage should look like. Perhaps you are already married, but fear it won’t last. If you’re single or dating, you might feel apprehensive about considering marriage. If you’re married, your negative feelings might come out as cynical jokes, hurtful comments, or a generally bad attitude. Either way,…

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My Spouse Has An Addiction – What Can I Do?

By Marriage, Self Reflection 6 Comments

Does your spouse have an addiction? Wondering what you can do for them? If your spouse is addicted to a substance such as alcohol or prescription drugs, then they may have asked you to help them overcome their struggles. They might expect you to keep the reality of their addiction secret. After all, addiction can be damaging in many ways–not just to relationships and finances, but to reputations, too. Unfortunately, if this sounds familiar, your spouse is asking you to enable their addiction. When you keep your spouse’s problem a secret and don’t seek outside help, you’re depriving yourself of…

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Why It’s Time for an Attitude Check-Up

By Self Reflection 2 Comments

Leslie and I (Les) once took a flight on a Cessna plane after a retreat in northwestern Washington state’s San Juan Islands. We began the flight nervous, having never flown in such a small aircraft. As we soared over the beautiful Cascade Mountains and Puget Sound, our fear dissolved. During that flight, something the pilot said caught our attention: that the attitude of the plane, not the altitude, was the single most important aspect of landing safely. The plane’s attitude is related to the position of its nose as it comes in for a landing. Too high or low, and…

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5 Ways Self-Awareness Can Improve Your Marriage

By Marriage, Self Reflection No Comments

Are you and your spouse self-aware people? If not, cultivating self-awareness can improve both your individual health and the health of your marriage. Being self-aware is all about bringing your very best to your marriage because when you each show up at your strongest, you can accomplish so much more together. Want to know more about how self-awareness can improve your marriage? Read on. 1. Self-awareness promotes empathy and understanding. As you and your spouse develop self-awareness, you’ll be more likely to demonstrate empathy and understanding for one another. We like to say that self-awareness leads to better love. That’s…

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Emotional Health in Marriage: What You Need to Know

By Relationships, Self Reflection No Comments

If you and your spouse want to be healthy individuals in a thriving marriage, you’ll need to pay close attention to your emotional health. Along with spiritual and psychological wellbeing, your emotional health can greatly impact your marriage. In fact, these aspects of your health can affect all your relationships, for better or worse. Spiritual, psychological, and emotional health combined are attributes that help us feel a sense of significance and individual completeness. They also help us nurture selfless attitudes and happier, healthier relationships. Essentially, if you neglect to become healthy and whole on your own, you’ll spin your wheels…

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5 Ways to Give Your Spouse the Best Version of You

5 Ways to Give Your Spouse the Best Version of You

By Marriage, Self Reflection 2 Comments

When we’re dating, we give the best of ourselves to our partner. We’re getting to know one another, falling in love, and we want to make a good impression. Focusing completely on one another and the future we’re building makes us feel happy and fulfilled. After we marry, though, we sometimes find ourselves giving less than our best to our spouse. Life gets hectic, and there are so many obligations to fulfill. Oftentimes, it happens before we realize it. Whatever the case, it’s crucial to find ways to start giving your spouse the best version of yourself again. You can’t…

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3 Signs Your Marriage Needs Help Right Now

By Marriage, Self Reflection One Comment

Is your marriage in trouble? There are a myriad of ways you can tell whether or not your marriage has crossed over into a danger zone. Those danger signs vary from one relationship to the next, and they manifest for different reasons. While it’s up to you and your spouse to determine exactly what is breaking down in your marriage, there are some basic signs and symptoms you can identify to help you discern whether your marriage needs help. If you’re wondering whether your relationship is in danger, then read on. In this post, we’ve gathered three common red flags…

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