

Three Tips for Cultivating Lifelong Love

By Communication, Marriage 9 Comments

Lifelong love does not happen by chance. It’s an art that must be learned, practiced and honed. Every successful marriage is the result of two people working together to diligently and skillfully cultivate their love. It takes intention, and is well worth the work. So how can you reach a level of ultimate love in your relationship? Today, we are sharing three tips that will help you and your partner build heartfelt and prevailing love. When you combine passion, intimacy, and commitment, you will be well on your way to a growing and flourishing a healthy marriage and lifelong love….

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Solving Six Common Saboteurs in Marriage: Part Two

By Communication, Conflict, Marriage 2 Comments

Last week, we started our 2-part series on common saboteurs in marriage and how to stop them in their tracks. Most marriages will likely fall victim to one of these sneaky attacks at some time or the other. They tiptoe into our marriages without a sound, and can go undetected until they have already made a mark. However, there are ways you and your partner can fight these saboteurs. Today, we are picking back up on our series and discussing the final three: drift, debt, and pain from the past. Let’s dive in. Saboteur Four: Drift Many couples complain, and…

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Solving Six Common Saboteurs in Marriage: Part One

By Communication, Marriage 7 Comments

Have you ever wondered to yourself, if this marriage is supposed to be so good, why do I sometimes feel so bad? If so, your marriage has probably fallen victim to one of several predictable sneak attacks. These sneaky saboteurs creep up on us and slowly drift into our relationship without so much as a whisper. And before we know it, we have fallen victim. In our two-part series, we are exposing six common saboteurs in marriage and how to combat them. This week, we want to dive in on the first three: busyness, irritation and boredom, and how you…

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The Benefits of Adventure in Your Relationship

By Marriage, Recreation, Time 8 Comments

“The pleasure which we most rarely experience gives us greatest delight” – Epictetus Most couples tend to play it safe when it comes to adventure and trying new things. Life is going along ok and you are making it, you’ve found an easy groove in life and love – so why change it? Eventually, if you’re not mindful about the groove you are in, it will become a rut. You can’t cross the sea by staring at the water. Adventure requires that you jump into the experience. Dopamine in the brain is essential to happiness. As we age we lose…

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Navigating Unspoken Rules and Unconscious Roles

By Communication, Marriage 2 Comments

Do you know that you live by an invisible rule book? You may not even know you have it, but all of us do. You likely have harbored unspoken rules of what a great marriage should look since before you were married. And along those lines, chances are you have an idea of what roles you and your spouse should play once you are married. Without knowing it, couples are drawn into acting out roles they form from a blend of their personal dispositions, family backgrounds and marital expectations. For many couples, this can be a big speed bump in…

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The Importance of Spiritual Intimacy

By Communication, Marriage, Scripture, Self Reflection 3 Comments

Spiritual intimacy is one of the most important, yet least talked about aspects of marital health. There are countless studies that show how important it is to share a spiritual bond. This intimacy encompasses your deepest core values, your mission and your passion for life. Spiritual intimacy in a relationship is developed through your activities together, such as attending church. However, it’s also a direct reflection of your journey inside as well. Your spiritual activities are external, while your spiritual values are internal and part of the core of who you are. These go hand in hand. Attending church together…

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Balancing Your Head and Heart: What to Do If You Are a Sympathizer

By Communication, Marriage, Self Reflection 5 Comments

“Our nervous systems are constructed to be captured by the nervous systems of others, so that we can experience others as if from within their skin.” – Daniel Stern Are you a natural sympathizer? If you answered yes, you likely find yourself rushing to the aid of your spouse, or others, when they are in need. Or, at least when you think they are in need. But are they? People with sympathetic personalities are much more inclined to let their feelings guide them than others. Their hearts take precedence over their heads. In certain situations, this is a very valuable…

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How to Build Friendships with Other Couples

By Communication, Marriage, Time 2 Comments

When it comes down to it, friendships are built off of having things in common. Whether it’s the same sense of humor, having shared interests, or going through similar life experiences, these are all things that can bring you closer together. This can come somewhat naturally when you are connecting with just one other person. However, when you are building a friendship with another couple this can get complex. You now have four personalities to mesh, rather than just two. Not to mention the pace of life we all live is so complex and can be dramatically different from couple…

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Strengthening the Intimacy in Your Relationship

By Communication, Marriage, Scripture 20 Comments

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Intimacy is the soul-to-soul and heart-to-heart connection that a couple has between them. It’s the defining moment in a relationship where you truly get each other. However, intimacy is fluid in a marriage. It’s easy to get distracted…

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How to Keep Romance Alive in Your Marriage

By Communication, Marriage 5 Comments

“Kiss me and kiss me again, for your love is sweeter than wine.” —Song of Solomon 1:2 With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching romance is often a topic on our minds. But how do you keep the romance alive after years of marriage? It’s not a surprise that we all go through different seasons of marriage. Some weeks, months, or even years, are harder and less romantic than others. This is normal and can take some work to rekindle the flame, but you can get through it. If you work hard at keeping the romance alive, it will be a game…

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