My Wife Cannot Say “No” to Anyone. She is a Mess with Stress. How Do I Help Her? It’s difficult to watch the person you love most overextend themselves and lose control of their life because they have no boundaries. A person who never says “no” will eventually burn out from exhaustion, and it’s important for his or her spouse to recognize when it’s time to intervene. In this video, we discuss ideas for helping your spouse set healthy boundaries on external demands in order to alleviate stress and exhaustion. Does your spouse have a difficult time saying no? How…
Getting married triggers many major shifts in your world. Married life looks a lot different than single life; now, instead of being the sole master of your own universe, you’re sharing that space with your soul mate. The two of you must learn, together, how to navigate life as a team. One area of life that changes drastically–and can quickly become very volatile–is that of decision-making. Putting two heads together in order to reach a joint decision that works for both of you can be daunting, particularly if you don’t see eye-to-eye. Decision-making in marriage is often challenging, but it…
Without question, the prevalence of social media has changed the way our society communicates. We spend our time locked into a screen, we give and receive affirmation through the click of a button, and we have a larger sphere of connection than ever before. Technology’s influence on society is deeper and wider than at any other time in history, and so it’s a given that its influence will touch the marriage relationship, as well. It’s important to know the potential pitfalls of social media on a marriage so that a couple can be diligent in avoiding them together. Below we’ll…
My Husband Spends the Majority of his Time Involved in Sports. Do I need to change, or does he? So you’re married to a sports nut, and it’s causing division in your relationship. Should your spouse change his (or her!) ways, or should you? In this video, we suggest adjustments, compromises, and possible boundaries to implement in order to bring more harmony to your marriage. Are you married to a sports fanatic? What are some things you have done to bring harmony to your marriage? Have you become involved in your spouse’s sports interest in order to cultivate shared time…
In-Laws: What Do I Do When My Spouse Acts Differently With His/Her Parents? It’s common for married couples to experience conflict when their values clash with those of one or both sets of in-laws, and especially if one spouse is prone to falling in line with his or her family members when they are together. In this video, we address the need for spouses to communicate authentically and empathically when facing conflict involving their in-laws. Does your spouse behave differently when he or she is spending time with his or her family of origin? What are some constructive techniques you have…
Marriage is the most sacred relationship we can enter into. It is ordained by God, and is the oldest institution. It is spoken of throughout the Bible, and is sacred in every way. But it isn’t always easy, and you will never have all the answers. Couples often enter into marriage with rose-colored glasses. When two very different, and admittedly selfish, people join together until death do us part, it can be hard to see exactly what problems could arise. There are five things I wish I knew before I got married, and I want to share them with you….
My husband has more sexual experience than me. I always wonder if I measure up. HELP! Having a spouse who engaged in sexual activity with someone other than you prior to your marriage can create anxiety, discomfort, and distance in your relationship. Likewise, past sexual experiences with individuals other than your spouse can generate guilt, shame, and a toxic environment in your marriage. In this video, Drs. Les and Leslie talk about the importance of leaving the past behind and creating an intimate marriage based in the here and now where both spouses can thrive. If your spouse is more…
Friendship is a gift. We need our friends, and that need doesn’t come to an end when we get married. Here you’ll find tips for choosing wise friendships that will enrich your marriage, as well as balancing the intimacy in your marriage with the important friendships in your lives. 1. Make Past Friends Part of Your Shared Life When you get married, the landscape of your relationships changes. There are many adjustments to make because it becomes impossible to cultivate your marriage while supporting the same time investment you put into past friendships. While there’s nothing wrong with each of…
Five Ways To Become A Better Listener In Your Marriage Ask any married person for a list of what makes a healthy marriage, and communication will always be in the top five. Ask that same person about a time when their marriage has broken down and high atop their list of reasons will be lack of communication. The importance of communication can almost seem overstated, but nonetheless, it’s an issue that arises in every marriage, including ours. We can often forget that healthy communication is not just about talking, but about listening, a trait that seems to be rapidly declining…
All of us, at some point, go through times in our marriages when we find it difficult to create the meaningful conversations that keep intimacy alive. Here you will find 11 questions you can ask your husband or wife on date nights, on road trips, and during tough times that will initiate deeper communication in your relationship. When using questions like these as conversation starters, remember to keep the questions open-ended (don’t ask anything that will elicit only a “yes” or “no” answer), and always follow up. After your spouse has shared his or her thoughts, engage and share your…