

How to Level Up the Communication in Your Marriage

By Communication 2 Comments

Communication is paramount in any relationship, but especially in marriage. If you’re striving for lifelong love with your spouse, then the two of you will have to master the art of effective communication. You can come out on the other side of almost any marital problem if you have mastered the skills for effective communication. While we communicate at different levels, it’s most important to communicate from the standpoint of protecting and nurturing one another’s feelings. If you’re ready to level up your communication with your spouse, read on. Create a sense of emotional safety. Emotional safety is critical for…

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3 Hallmarks of Poor Communication Every Couple Needs to Know

By Communication One Comment

Communication is a multifaceted exchange that can be challenging to master, even in the best of relationships. Married couples must work especially hard to ensure they’re communicating clearly and effectively for the best possible outcomes. Becoming good communicators takes teamwork and patience, and the process isn’t always linear. It can take months or even years, depending on the couple. We know many of the hallmarks of good communication, such as active listening, empathy, and offering feedback to ensure we understand one another. But what about the features of poor communication? Today, we’re covering three major hallmarks of poor communication every…

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Help! We Need to Raise Our Income

By Careers, Communication, Marriage, Relationships 2 Comments

There are many reasons why you and your spouse might want to raise your income. Maybe you’ve recently taken on a new expense, suffered a pay cut or job loss, or you need to save toward a big goal, such as a vacation or a down payment on a house. Whatever the case, you’ve determined that you need more available money. Luckily, there are a number of ways to free up extra money and raise the amount you’re bringing in. It takes teamwork and shared goals, but the two of you can absolutely work together to make more money for…

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5 Affirmations to Empower Your Spouse

By Communication, Intimacy, Marriage, Relationships 4 Comments

Gifting one another with regular affirmations is a wonderful way for spouses to stay close and remind each other of their affection. If you’re not regularly making an effort to affirm your spouse, then it’s time to start now–and it’s never too late. Affirmations can be simple. The key is to be heartfelt and genuine, and to let your spouse know how much you love and admire them. How well you love your spouse, and the effort you invest in them, will make a tremendous impact on the quality of your marriage. Today, we’ve gathered five simple affirmations to help…

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5 Skills to Improve Communication With Your Spouse

By Communication, Marriage 10 Comments

Communication breakdowns are a common issue in many marriages. Some couples struggle with communication more than others do, and this can be due to differences in personality and communication style. However, working to establish clear and effective communication is key to enjoying a happy marriage in the long term. In order to improve communication in your marriage, there are five realms of communication you must each work to strengthen. Let’s jump right in. 1. Information sharing Sharing information involves the ability to clearly and accurately state your thoughts and feelings without losing yourself in emotion or getting off track. Being…

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How Expectations and Magical Thinking Affect Your Spouse

By Communication, Marriage, Relationships 3 Comments

In every marriage, each spouse has their own set of expectations, either spoken or unspoken. These could be regarding the relationship itself, or expectations for one another as individuals. Either way, what we expect of one another can inform much of our relationship, for better or worse. If you and your spouse have experienced conflict over your expectations for one another, you aren’t alone. Expectations go hand-in-hand with something we call magical thinking. In other words, that means making assumptions about one another, rather than seeking the truth from our spouse. Expectations and magical thinking can impact your spouse in…

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How to Build Momentum In Your Marriage

By Communication, Marriage No Comments

Do you and your spouse have marriage momentum? If you’ve built momentum in your marriage, then you’re in an ongoing state of moving forward together. Even when you face obstacles together, you’re able to take them in stride as you work together to keep going. Momentum propels you toward a fulfilling marriage. Momentum comes from consistent forward motion in your relationship. Your marriage momentum can be challenged and impeded by friction (such as communication breakdowns, illness, financial difficulties, and parenting struggles). While all couples face friction from time to time, it’s possible to overcome those challenges and continue building momentum…

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4 Ways to Work Together as a Married Team to Achieve Your Goals

By Communication, Marriage, Relationships No Comments

The happiest couples work together to achieve their goals. If you take a close look at the high-achieving couples you most admire, you’ll likely notice that they partner with one another not only in the details of their daily lives, but also in the big adventures they embark upon. Teamwork is the most important foundation couples should build upon, especially when each spouse has big dreams they’d like to achieve. Pursuing goals alongside a marriage, family, and careers can be quite a juggling act. But in the end, supporting one another through the process is worth it. If you’re wondering…

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Should I Confront My Passive-Aggressive Spouse?

By Communication, Conflict One Comment

Imagine that you come home from work, and the garbage can is full. Your spouse is milling around the kitchen, slamming drawers and pot lids. As you attempt to wind down from the work day, you can’t help but notice that they’re really making a lot of noise. So, you head into the kitchen to find out what’s going on. “Honey, are you all right?” “I’m fine,” they say…but the dishes keep rattling. You’re distinctly aware that something isn’t right, but you can’t put your finger on what, exactly, it is. And if they won’t tell you what’s happening, how…

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My Spouse’s Criticism Broke My Heart. How Do I Heal?

By Communication, Conflict, Marriage 8 Comments

Criticism is toxic to happy marriages, poisoning happiness and sabotaging your growth as a couple. A critical nature kills intimacy and causes the victim to build walls around themselves in an attempt to ward off future criticism. Worse, criticism can cripple your personal growth and your emotional health. When your spouse criticizes you, it hurts. Being picked apart and scrutinized by anyone is hurtful, but when it’s your husband or wife, it’s worse. Not only is criticism demoralizing, it lacks the appreciation and regard we want to feel from our spouse. If you have a servant heart, spousal criticism will…

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