Are you and your spouse self-aware people? If not, cultivating self-awareness can improve both your individual health and the health of your marriage. Being self-aware is all about bringing your very best to your marriage because when you each show up at your strongest, you can accomplish so much more together.
Want to know more about how self-awareness can improve your marriage? Read on.
1. Self-awareness promotes empathy and understanding.
As you and your spouse develop self-awareness, you’ll be more likely to demonstrate empathy and understanding for one another. We like to say that self-awareness leads to better love. That’s because being self-aware helps us to stay in touch with and articulate our own needs. Then, we can encourage our partners to communicate their needs to us.
The truth is, self-awareness brings clarity to our relationships. When we know what we need and how we feel–and communicate it well–we don’t expect our spouses to read our minds. Lowering the risk of resentment and conflict can work wonders for your wellbeing and the health of your marriage.
2. Being self-aware makes you a healthier individual.
When you’re self-aware, you’re a healthier individual. That’s important whether you’re single, engaged, or married. Being a whole, independent person is essential if you want to build healthy relationships and have the healthiest possible marriage.
Both you and your spouse should always be working toward not only the health of your marriage, but your individual wellbeing, too. You can’t achieve this without being self-aware.
3. Self-awareness can lead to better decision making for your future.
Generally speaking, self-awareness can help you make better, more informed decisions for yourself. When you’re happy, whole, and complete as an individual, you’ll be able to bring those healthy qualities into your relationships. This leads to better discernment, since you’ll be happy with yourself first.
If you aren’t yet married, then being self-aware could help you make stronger choices regarding who to date–or whether to move forward with an engagement. If you’re married, knowing what each of you needs will help you work together toward the best decisions for both of you.
4. Healthy individuals promote self-awareness in their loved ones, including their spouse.
People who are aware of how they feel, what they need, and how they’re responding to the world around them, they’re more likely to encourage others to strive for that same awareness. When one spouse is self-aware, they can promote self-awareness in the other.
Spouses who encourage one another to be healthy individuals recognize the value of individual health to the marriage. Giving one another space and respecting each other’s individuality can set you up for success because you’re learning to be the best versions of yourselves. Therefore, you’re more likely to be able to give more to your marriage.
5. Being self-aware means you’re more likely to show up as your best self.
When you’re self-aware, that means you’re more likely to be able to give your spouse the best version of yourself. If you’re both showing up at your strongest, you can both bring so much more to the table. A pair of partners at their best, working together toward shared goals, is unstoppable.
Want to get to know yourselves and one another better? The Better Love assessment is a brief, thorough, and fun relationships assessment that will give you deeper insight into one another and your dynamics as a couple. It’s great for dating and engaged couples, as well as those who have been married for many years. Get access here.
Do you and your spouse actively work on self-awareness? How has it helped your relationship? Let us know in the comments.